What To Use Instead Of Calamine Lotion

We answer our latest question regarding alternatives to Calamine lotion for the treatment of poison ivy.

Oct 04, 2017

Ophelia asked

I have poison ivy and it keeps spreading. Some of it is getting better but I've had it for almost 2 weeks. I've used calamine lotion but it doesn't seem to be getting much better. What can I do to make it better more quickly?


Calamine lotion has long been the stalwart treatment for poison ivy, poison sumac and a variety of other allergic skin conditions. There are however, many other options that may provide more relief, as well as speed recovery. Calamine lotion is an astringent, which constricts the skin where it is applied and helps to relieve itching and dry out both lesions and blisters. It does not however, cleanse your skin of the allergen.

The substance in poison ivy that causes the allergic reaction is urushiol. It has been reported that about 50% of people who come into contact with urushiol will develop a rash. The rash, if it occurs, will typically begin to show in a few hours to a few days and can last weeks without treatment.

In regards to alternative treatments over the counter, topical cleansers/solvents are highly recommended. Unlike calamine lotion, these products will actually wash the urushiol off the skin and will speed recovery. Two of the most popular products available are Zanfel and Technu. If urushiol is on your skin for over 60 minutes, washing with water and soap isn't likely to remove any urushiol that is bound to your skin. In your case, since it has been weeks since exposure, Zanfel and Technu could be beneficial as they have been shown to actually remove the urushiol that is bound to the skin.​​

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