How Often Can You Give Benadryl To Treat An Allergy?

In our latest question and answer, the pharmacist discusses how often Benadryl can be taken for allergies.

How Often Can You Give Benadryl To Treat An Allergy?
Mar 23, 2019

Freda asked

My husband broke out in hives all over his back and stomach, after pulling some honeysuckle vines off of s fence. We gave him 50 mg of Benadryl. How often can we do this, until it goes away? He is breathing fine.

At a glance

  • Benadryl (diphenhydramine) can be used to treat urticaria (hives). You can take a dose (25 to 50 mg) every four to six hours.


How Often Can You Take Benadryl For Hives Text Over Image Of Man Scratching leg

Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is recommended to be taken every four to six hours as needed, regardless of what you are using it for (e.g. allergic reaction, runny nose etc...).[1]

In your situation, with your husband suffering from hives due to an allergy to honeysuckle, Benadryl is a good option to take to help stem the symptoms of his reaction.

The recommended dose to treat hives (also known as urticaria) for adults is 25-50 mg (one to two tablets) by mouth every four to six hours.

Benadryl For Hives

Antihistamines, like Benadryl, are generally recommended as a 'first-line' therapy for the treatment of hives.

Treatment guidelines for hives published in the journal American Family Physician, state the following:[2]

  1. ^ Elsevier ClinicalKey: Diphenhydramine Monograph
  2. ^ Urticaria: Evaluation and Treatment. American Family Physician
  3. ^ Challenges in the Management of Chronic Urticaria. PubMed

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